Technivac deliver loading methods on both conventional and innovative levels.

Conventional Methods

Mechanical lift (crane/hoist) and hopper loading.

Technivac have the capabilities to load almost any type of reactor with the conventional method dependant on access to the top manway with the use of crane or hoist.

No matter what type of packaging the catalyst is supplied in, we can load by conventional methods.

Technivac Technology

Technivac have developed loading technology within its very own fabrication facility to enable us to load all types of catalyst and associated products in all types of weather, no matter how it’s packaged.

Technivac’s Clamflo technology is a system that allows us to pneumatically convey the fresh material from ground level to the top manway of almost any given distance whilst ensuring minimal damage and attrition to the product.

What makes Technivac different is the fact that we are innovators. As the inventor of this technology we have the capabilities to adapt and fabricate the design to suit the customer’s application based on size and location.

Technivac can accommodate volumes of 0.2m3 up to 1m3 within its Clamflo hopper, this gives us the flexibility to accommodate all variants of packaging the product may be delivered in. Such as: 205lt drums, bulk bags and tote bins.

Conventional v Technivac Technology

Conventional Method

  • Time consuming with repetitive lifts
  • Increased risk due to number of lifts
  • Cost of hiring a mechanical lift throughout the loading activity
  • High winds can impact the schedule and have added costs for the customers
  • Dust emissions
  • Job must be suspended in adverse weather conditions

Technivac Technology

  • Pneumatically loaded by vacuum
  • Low attrition rates & dust emissions
  • Crane lifts kept to a minimum (one at the start and one at the end)
  • Reduction on the environmental impact
  • Reduced exposure from repetitive lifts
  • Can be used in adverse weather

Ultimately, by utilising Technivac’s technology when loading catalysts, we can minimise risk, limit dust exposure, increase efficiency and save the cost of unforeseen delays due to adverse weather.